We don’t think outside the box,
we think of what we can do with the box!
As a marketing and advertising company, we built our knowledge and specialties within the textile and interior design industry through our parent company Decostayle. We also like to use these for other industries. We take a fresh look at your product or service and ask crucial questions. Questions that convincingly bring your story up.
Our team and partners
Our team is relative small, making us easily approachable, flexible and decisive. Through our collaboration with Decostayle we have broad knowledge of the interior design industry.
We are professionals with expertise in concept design and graphic design.
Curious about the people behind Cocon Marketing? Come for a cup of coffee without any obligation. We like to make acquainted with you, please feel free to contact us.

Klaes-Maarten van der Stege
As the responsible and facilitating director, I take on the same beautiful challenge every day: to ensure that we, as team Cocon together with our partners, transform the wishes of our customers creatively and efficiently into a successful concept, product or service.
+31 (0)6 46267638

Nienke Hofsink
Project manager
In mijn rol als Projectmanager begeleid ik het creatieve proces van begin tot eind, en ik ben het aanspreekpunt richting de klant. Organiseren, creativiteit, schakelen en regelen; die woorden vatten mijn rol goed samen. Het is heel cliché, maar iedere klant is anders. En juist dát maakt mijn baan zo leuk!

Ralf Boer
Concept designer
I take care of the development and design of concepts. When a client’s question is presentend to us, I immerse myself in his organization and product. I fully dive into it. I also like to think along with our clients on a strategic and tactical level.

Annemieke Stegerman
Grafisch ontwerper
Bij Cocon maak ik mooie creatieve ontwerpen voor uiteenlopende projecten. Graag verras ik de opdrachtgever met een ontwerp wat niet voor de hand ligt.
Maar ook kan je mij aan de telefoon verwachten of vragen stellen via de mail als het om een nieuwe aanvraag gaat of een lopende opdracht.

Evelien Nagelhout
Graphic designer
In our studio I am responsible for the layout of projects. A concept that my colleague has invented, I work out in perfection. I also really like the graphic design of print work such as advertisements, magazines and folders.